Wildlife tourism has emerged as a prominent tourism activity in India, driven mainly by domestic tourists. Despite opinions to the contrary, wildlife tourism can actually benefit forest dwellers if managed very carefully. The presence of tourists in these areas acts as a deterrent for poachers who prefer to carry out their nefarious activities secretly. Naturally, this is not possible if visitors continue to visit the wildlife sanctuary.
Wildlife tourism creates an integrated ecosystem of local communities, commercial tourism companies, park managers and tourists. This ensures many economic and infrastructural benefits. The first includes job opportunities and entrepreneurship, including forex production, and infrastructure includes building better roads, modern transportation, health care, etc.
Growing statistics of Wildlife Tourism
Statistics show that wildlife tourism in India is growing at 15% annually and 70% of visitors are from India. 71% of tourists would like to visit these areas again, but most of them claim that they will only return if they see a tiger. Such tourists help promote wildlife conservation and their visits generate income and pay for the conservation of these parks. India has a lot of potential to exploit wildlife tourism, but it has not yet reached its optimum status. In the current pandemic-affected times, we suggest exploring the outdoors as a vacation option.
According to the Wildlife Institute of India’s National Wildlife Database (December 2020), India’s network of 981 protected areas includes 566 wildlife sanctuaries, 104 national parks, 214 community protected areas and 97 sanctuaries. It includes protected areas. Their total area is 171921 km or about 5.03% of the country. Maharashtra has the most wildlife sanctuaries of any state with 48, while Madhya Pradesh has the most wildlife sanctuaries with 11 national parks.
India Regulations followed during a Wildlife Tourism
As a responsible tourist, you should follow all the regulations during your wildlife tour to preserve the forest reserves. Keep quiet as animals could be disturbed when they hear loud noises. Wear only light coloured clothes and not dark colour as animals may be affected or become iron when they see dark colour. Do not use strong perfumes, animals are more sensitive to them. Pack all your things in advance because you can’t buy necessary things in the dense forest and take only light luggage because you have to travel a lot by foot or trekking.
Regulations or Guidelines for Wildlife Tourism
- Instead of visiting wildlife in captivity, see wildlife in the wild.
- Observation groups should be small and appropriate to the activity and species observed to minimize disturbance.
- Adequate distance must be observed so that the animals are not disturbed. Do not chase animals that run, swim or fly.
- When approaching wildlife, noise and sudden movements should be kept to a minimum (even in a vehicle) to avoid alerting the animals.
- Care must be taken when approaching wildlife with young to ensure that parents and their offspring never leave.
- Avoid their breeding sites, including nests, dens, and burrows. Instead, watch it from a distance.
- They prefer safaris to seeing animals in their usual habitats, never leaving their vehicles. Preferably during the riding season. So do your thorough research and book your tour in advance.
- Do not touch the animals and try to understand their natural behaviour and respect them.
- Your local tour guide has a good understanding of where and under what conditions you can click photos, so discuss it with your local tour guide before taking a photo. Please do not use flash because animals are affected by light and flash is strictly prohibited. Litter, including cigarette butts, must be collected and disposed of responsibly.
- “Trophy hunting” or “canned hunting” of animals captured in restricted areas should not be supported.
- Avoid buying artifacts or antiques made from endangered wildlife products (ivory, turtle shell, coral, reptile skin, hedgehog, etc.).
- Please refrain from taking souvenir photos using animals as props.
- Don’t support activities that make animals perform tricks based on unnatural behavior.
- Travel agencies and operators should participate in well-considered local conservation projects.
- Businesses should try to train and hire local staff and suppliers as much as possible and build good relationships with the local community.
Wildlife Rules And Regulations of India
The Government of India enacted the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 to effectively protect wildlife in the country and to regulate poaching, smuggling and trafficking of wildlife and its derivatives. The law was amended in January 2003 to make penalties and punishments for violations of the law more severe. The ministry proposes further amendments to the law by introducing stricter measures to strengthen the law. The goal is to protect endangered plants and animals and ecologically important protected areas.
Contributed Ankit Raj Sharma
Edited by Imtiaz Ullah
The Wildlife Protect Amendment Act 2006 (http://moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/WildLifeAmedmentAct2006-.pdf)
The Wildlife Protection Amendment Act 2002(http://moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/MINISTRY_OF_LAW_AND_JUSTICE.pdf)
Bill:-Wildlife Protection Amendment Bill 2013 (http://moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/WildlifeProtectionAmendmentBill2013.pdf)