Inodnesian Food: Indonesia is a place of gastronomical delight. The use of fresh spices and herbs makes Indonesian cuisine so flavorful and exciting to eat.
Through this blogpost I am going to highlight 5 incredibly delicious Indonesian dishes recommended by my friend and chef Jun Joe Winanto and I call him Joe.
If you wish to know more about Joe, here is is profile
Food is the reason of Travel
If food is one of the reasons for which you travel you gotta love this blog. I always like to explore local food in the place where I travel. Food speaks a volume about the people of the place. When I visited Indonesia I not only fell in love with the place and people but also the food of this lovely country.
Indonesian Food – 5 dishes Joe’s recommendation
Before you delve into the blog I just want to give you a heads up that this list is not exhaustive and solely based on Joe’s recommendation. This list is not in any particular order.
Rawon or Black Soup
This food is very famous in Indonesia, and comes from Surabaya East Java. One of the provinces in Indonesia that has a different variety of local food. Black sauce comes from a fruit called Keluwek or Kluwek or Kluwak which is finely ground and mixed into spiced water.
Tuturaga is a typical Manado food that has a spicy taste. In the past this food was made from Turtle meat. However, as time passed by and turtles became protected, it is now replaced by chicken, fish or duck meat. Tuturaga comes from the Portuguese language namely Tartaruga which means Turtle.
Padang Grilled Chicken
This chicken has a spicy taste and is very famous. Chicken is boiled with spices until the spices dry out. Then grilled using charcoal or grilled on the stove.
The reason for naming this dish as Tongseng is because this dish is made by roasting goat mixed with soy sauce, spice, tomato slices and cabbage. Tongseng is believed to have originated from Klego district, Boyolali, Central Java and then spread to all corners of Indonesia. In the sub-district there is even a Tongseng Satay Statue as the pride of the Klego community. It is made from goat meat. Coconut milk, candlenut, red hot pepper, pepper, shallot, garlic and some other ingredients.
Ice Selendang Mayang
This ice drink is difficult to find these days. This is one of the typical Betawi drinks or drinks of the people of Jakarta. It is made from tapioca flour, coconut milk, sugar and salt
Closing Notes: Inodnesian Food
What I love so much about Indonesian food is the amalgamation of chillies, garlic, shallots, lemongrass, lemon basil and it continues creating magic. Hence, Indonesian food is so spectacular and incredible.
What is your favorite Indoneisan food? Leave a comment below
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