Motorcycle Safety
If you are riding a motorcycle, you know that you need to take extra steps to be careful. Motorcycles can be dangerous if not used correctly. People who are driving cars and other vehicles sometimes will not see people who are riding motorcycles.
There are more people injured when riding motorcycles than those who are in cars. There are attorneys who will help you if you have been injured by riding a motorcycle, especially if another vehicle has hit you. Motorcycle Safety Lawyers or MSL can help when the other drivers are being negligent.
This article will help you by giving you some facts that can help prevent motorcycle accidents. It will help you to know what to do in case you are injured. You can also do more research to find out more information.

Motorcycle Safety Facts
- Insurance Information Institute – According to this institution, motorcyclists are about thirty times more likely to be killed in an accident. They are 5 times more likely to be injured in an accident than those that are in cars or trucks: This usually happens because motorcycles are not as easily seen as cars and trucks, and they do not have the same protection.
- Collisions – Motorcyclists are in accidents that involve collisions about 75% of the time. Seventy-four percent of the time, these are front-end collisions. Seven percent are rear-end collisions, and all involved injuries or deaths.
- Canadian Medical Association Journal – According to this journal, accidents involving motorbikes cause three times the number of injuries. They cause six times the amount of medical costs. They also cause five times more deaths than those who are riding in cars and trucks.
- Accident Fatalities – In 2016, there were more than five thousand motorbike deaths, which is an increase of more than five percent over the previous year. This was the largest number of deaths in the eight previous years. This number has been increasing since 2016, and that number was way over ten thousand in 2022.
- Weather – The number one cause of these types of accidents is the failure of people in cars to see people on motorbikes. Most people think the answer is weather, but this is not true. If you are in a car, you need to watch out for those who are on motorcycles. Teaching your children to count motorcycles as you travel will help them to notice them when they are older and driving.
- Deadliest State – Although California and Florida have more motorcycles in terms of those that are registered, the deadliest state for motorcyclists is Louisiana. They have more than twenty fatal accidents for every ten thousand motorcycles that are registered. South Carolina and Mississippi follow close behind with more than thirteen for South Carolina and nearly thirteen for Mississippi.
- Injury Accidents – In 2020, there were more than eighty thousand motorbike riders that suffered injuries in accidents. That means there were 468 injuries for every one hundred million vehicle miles traveled over the year. See here to learn more. That was a far greater percentage than those injured in car accidents because cars are more protected than motorcycles are.
- Fuel Spills – There is more likely to be a fuel spill when there is a motorcycle accident than in a car accident. More than sixty percent of motorcycle accidents involve fuel spills. This can and does often result in fires with these types of accidents. The fuel tanks are easier to rupture on motorcycles.
- Female Riders – Most female riders that were killed in motorbike accidents were passengers on the bikes. Ninety-five percent of motorbike passengers that were killed were female in 2015. In 2020, this number went down to sixty-one percent, with thirty-nine percent of females killed being the riders.
- Age – The average age for people killed in motorcycles was over forty years old in 2020. The most common age was forty-two. This is a difference from the age of fifty in 2015.
There are many facts when it comes to motorcycle accidents. The biggest thing that you can take from this is that motorcycles are more dangerous than other vehicles. More people die when in motorbike accidents than those who are in cars.
The age of the riders that die is most commonly in the forties, while most passengers that are killed are females. There has been an increase of about double in the deaths of motorcyclists since 2015. This is mostly because people in other vehicles claim that they did not see them as they were driving.
Most motorcycle accidents are head-on collisions, with a fewer number being rear-end collisions. The deadliest state for motorcyclists is Louisiana, even though there are fewer motorcycles there. If you have been in a motorcycle accident, you should call an attorney that specializes in them.