Whether you’re looking for shared custody, legal custody, or sole custody, there are some important things you’ll want to know about child custody in Springfield. Here, you’ll find information about what you need to know before filing for custody, and what you should expect once you’ve been awarded custody of your child.
Legal custody
During divorce, there are many legal child custody issues to consider. For instance, you can split up overnights, decide how much time the child spends with each parent, or even determine which parent has the right to make important decisions on the child’s behalf. The ideal situation would be for both parents to maintain a close relationship with the child. In the event that the parents can’t come to an agreement, the court will make the decision.

The law offices of Tom Norrid offer legal counsel in Springfield. He and his team are experts in family law. They handle a variety of legal matters relating to child support, alimony, divorce, relocation, prenuptial agreements, and more.
Physical custody
Regardless of how you have chosen to parent your children, you should be aware that your custody and visitation rights are subject to court intervention. The courts will consider many factors when determining custody. The primary goal is to do what is in the best interest of your child. Having a lawyer can help you through the process.
When a judge determines the best custody arrangement for your child, they will consider the child’s preference and the bond that exists between the child and each parent. They also will consider factors like family relationships, the child’s needs, and the ability of each parent to care for the child.
Shared custody
Whether you’re seeking sole or shared custody for your children, a Springfield lawyer can help you. This lawyer can also help you understand how the child custody battle works.
When a court decides on a custody arrangement, it takes into account a number of factors. These factors include the bond between the child and each parent, as well as the child’s history of care-taking responsibility.
A court may also consider a child’s connection to other family members. For example, a parent who has been involved in a violent or dangerous living situation can lose his or her parental rights.
Another factor is the child’s maturity level. If the child is mature enough to understand the situation, the court will consider his or her wishes.
Sole custody
Getting sole custody of your child is a big deal. There are a lot of things to consider when deciding whether or not it is best for your child.
The most important consideration is your child’s best interest. This may include factors such as a history of drug abuse or violent behavior. It may also include your ability to provide the child with a safe living environment.
The best way to fight for a greater share of custody is to present a convincing argument backed by solid evidence. Your lawyer should be able to guide you through the process.
The court will consider the “totality of circumstances” before determining custody. You should prepare for the court hearing by bringing along evidence, witnesses, and medical reports.
Division of parental responsibilities
Whether or not you should ask for parental responsibilities in a child custody case is a complicated decision. The best way to ensure you are getting the right outcome is to seek legal counsel. You can do this by hiring a family law attorney.
The court will determine parental responsibilities by looking at a number of factors, including the relationship between the parents, the child’s wishes, and the parents’ ability to work together. These factors may change as circumstances change. For example, if the custodial parent is threatening the child, the court may make changes to the parenting plan.
The court may also take into account the parents’ history of domestic violence. These factors are considered in the best interest of the child.
Depending on your case, the cost of child custody can range from several hundred to a few thousand dollars. A single visit to the courthouse could cost you as much as $30 per family. You may also be required to pay for document copy charges when you file for a divorce.
The cost of child custody can be reduced with the help of an attorney. An attorney can charge anywhere from $3k to $5k, plus a hefty hourly rate. The cost of hiring a lawyer is a major expense for many people, especially those with limited resources. A retainer may or may not be refundable, and some attorneys expect you to pay up front.